
Lifecycle status: Production Status: Production
1 PC
For BRK7010 integration module
add to cart $49.95
Pack of two 40-pin 2mm male headers
add to cart $7
Pack of two 40-pin 2mm female headers
add to cart $10

The BRK7010 breakout board provides an easy connection to both high-density connectors on the XEM7010 and XEM7310 by routing the FPGA I/O signals to thru-hole pins on a 2-mm grid.

Detailed physical dimensions and schematics are available in the XEM7010 User’s Manual. Full Altium Designer design files and Gerber files are available on our Download Page.

The high-density connectors for mating to the XEM7010 are pre-installed on the BRK7010. 2-mm headers are not included.

Technical Specifications and Support