Opal Kelly Blog

FrontPanel 1.3.0 Released

CHAMPAIGN, IL – Opal Kelly Incorporated has released version 1.3.0 of its free FrontPanel software and programmer’s interface (API) for use with its Xilinx FPGA modules. This new release adds HDL behavioral simulation capability with behavioral models of their precompiled HDL interface modules.

The FrontPanel API provides an efficient, simple, and convenient way to communicate between user software running on a PC and user hardware running within the FPGA. This communication occurs over a high-speed USB 2.0 link. Instantiated precompiled HDL modules within their HDL code instantly add communication pipes to the PC without having to deal with USB implementation issues.

The FrontPanel API is available as a Windows DLL and libraries in C++, Python, and Java under Windows and Linux operating systems. Sample wrapper APIs provide access under Matlab and LabVIEW.

This new FrontPanel release adds behavioral simulation to all of the existing precompiled HDL modules enabling customers to simulate the PC-FPGA communcation link and save valuable development time. Also provided in this release is a dramatic increase in transfer speeds for synchronous data transfers.

FrontPanel is free with the purchase of any Opal Kelly FPGA module and currently ships with their XEM3001 product. Their new XEM3010 product with a larger FPGA and on-board SDRAM is due later this month.